Posts tagged Cancer Advocacy
Bustin’ Out Of Boise walks alongside women going through cancer

In 2014, the women were motivated to start their own 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, calling themselves Bustin’ Out Of Boise (BOOB), for the purpose of raising funds for breast cancer and distributing them locally. A year later, they formulated a strategy that refocused and refined their efforts. Many women fighting cancer experience gaps in their home life, especially during the time they are in treatment. Now, the group is dedicated to these women by helping ease the burden of the daily tasks so that the women can focus on their health and healing.

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Idaho 2 Fly blends fly fishing, cancer support

When it comes to finding local cancer support groups designed specifically for men, you won’t find many. “Men by their nature are closed off and don’t naturally gravitate to talking about stuff like cancer. They are taught to be stoic — to tough it out. It used to be when you got your head dinged playing football you were told, ‘Get back in there, you got your bell rung, now go play!’ It’s just part of our nature to be strong, so men think that talking about things like cancer will be seen as weakness, even when deep down they are scared as hell,”

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